
Stress has been called the health epidemic of the 21st century by the World Health Organization. Today’s workplace contains higher stress levels than ever before. As technology advances, so does the work pace and with it the expectation that we are always contactable. The boundaries between when we are ‘at work’ and not become blurred; furthermore, roles have become more streamlined than ever. But human beings have not changed and their bodies are not designed to cope with chronically elevated stress. A GP recently said to me that over 80% of his clinic presentations are either triggered or mediated by stress; some doctors in the US have put the figure at over 90%. Its detrimental effects on employee health result in lower performance, productivity and morale, not to mention increased sick leave.

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one
— Hans Selye

What Selye means is that it is not the stressor that determines the response, but the individual’s reaction to it. Each person responds differently with varying degrees of resistance. Numerous scientific studies show that employees with greater resilience to stress have better performance and as a result companies are increasingly investing in offering this support to their staff. Both parties benefit: the employer gains improved productivity and performance; the employee enjoys improved health and greater job satisfaction. There are many ways in which this can be achieved, through adjustments to nutrition and lifestyle. Just as the individual response is unique, so too are my personally-tailored recommendations. I can either come into your offices or your staff can come and see me privately. Please contact me if you are interested in offering this support to your staff.